Greenercoin, News

Carbon, you may say, « without it, life would probably be more breathable » but you are wrong. Carbon is a chemical element found in the air, soil, oceans and living things. It is an essential element for life on Earth, but when it is released in large quantities into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, it can cause adverse effects on the climate. But there is a solution to every problem, isn’t there? At least that’s what we at Greenercoin strive to believe. In response to this global challenge, many initiatives have been launched to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to promote the transition to a low-carbon and circular economy. This is where Greenercoin fits in, offering innovative solutions to encourage the transition to more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyles. However, human activities have significantly disrupted this cycle, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere…

But here we are, so listen to what we have to say.

Table of Contents

A. What is carbon? How does it work? and why is it dangerous?

Presentation of the importance of carbon for life on Earth

As said in the introduction, carbon (CO2) is present everywhere. It is necessary but also harmful for the climate and mankind. Especially when it is released in large quantities into the atmosphere. Indeed, when we burn fossil fuels, produce cement, or practice agriculture and deforestation, we release CO2 into the atmosphere and thus trap the heat of the sun, and we must not play with the sun. Because this can cause adverse effects on the climate and make it unstable as well.

Negative impacts of excessive carbon release into the atmosphere

The consequences of global warming? You only have to leave your home to observe them and realize the cataclysm that it is causing. Like heat waves that can lead to untamed forest fires, as in Canada or in the Landes (France) last year. Or violent floods that lead to uncontrollable water rises and the destruction of aquatic environments. But also storms, droughts, melting ice …

To fight against climate change, we must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. And this can be done by adopting clean technologies and using renewable energy. In addition, it is important to raise awareness of the urgency of the situation and encourage people to take action to reduce their own carbon footprint. Because let’s be honest, reducing our carbon footprint is a bit like playing sports, we know it is good for us, but it is not always easy to do. It depends mainly on our will, and it’s time to put this will to the test. Especially by supporting green projects, like Greenercoin.

B. The impact of blockchain on carbon production

Greenhouse gas emissions related to the production of cryptocurrencies

Blockchain is an information storage and transmission technology that enables the creation of decentralized, secure and transparent networks. However, this technology also consumes a lot of energy and can have a significant environmental impact.

According to a 2021 study conducted by the University of Cambridge, the entire Bitcoin network consumes about 121.36 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, more electricity than entire countries such as the Netherlands or Argentina. This energy consumption also results in greenhouse gas emissions, mainly due to the production of electricity from non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels.

Importance of implementing sustainable solutions to limit the environmental impact of blockchain

The production of cryptocurrencies therefore has a significant impact on the environment, contributing to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and participating in the current climate crisis. That’s why it’s important to develop sustainable solutions to limit the environmental impact of blockchain, while enjoying the benefits of this innovative technology. With this in mind, Greenercoin is positioning itself as an eco-responsible alternative for the production of cryptocurrencies.

C. Greenercoin and carbon offsetting

Introducing Greenercoin and the term "carbon offset"

Greenercoin’s main goal is to become the currency for sustainable goods and services. While we realize that this will not be an easy task, we are ready to take on the challenge. We seek to demonstrate that crypto-currencies can be used responsibly, using clean energy sources and taking care not to harm the environment. (more about the project). Greenercoin’s main goal is an important step in the direction of a more sustainable world. With much of the world’s attention focused on the effects of climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, initiatives to promote green practices are more important than ever.

One way Greenercoin can support this goal is through carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting involves offsetting greenhouse gas emissions by funding carbon reduction projects in other parts of the world. This can include renewable energy projects, reforestation projects… Now it’s time to talk about the concrete actions we have in place for a better world.

Our solutions against carbon

The validation of block on our our blockchain will be done exclusively via renewable energy sources: Crypto-currency mining is often criticized for its high energy consumption, which is largely due to the use of non-renewable energy sources. However, Greenercoin has made a commitment to only validate blocks from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or hydroelectric power.

Greenercoin is committed to planting trees for every token (GNC) burned worth $20 or more: Deforestation is one of the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions (see this article), which contributes to climate change. To help combat this, Greenercoin has pledged to plant trees for every (CNG) token burned worth $20 or more. This initiative will contribute to reforestation and carbon sequestration, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The establishment of a market place will offer the sale of certain products from the circular economy: The circular economy is an economic approach that aims to minimize waste by using resources more efficiently. On this marketplace you will be able to find any product from this type of economy.

The last green word :

Unfortunately, human activities have released far too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, with disastrous consequences for our planet. But fortunately, there are solutions, such as transitioning to a low-carbon and circular economy, or supporting projects like Greenercoin, which offers innovative solutions to encourage a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. So let’s get serious, let’s reduce our carbon footprint and save our planet, or else the next time we step out of our house, we might find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic setting. And honestly, nobody wants that. So join the Greenercoin movement for a more breathable world where carbon is not too much!

To learn more about our project, go here:

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